Southwest Canyon Canine Formula

This unique formula contains a blend of animal protein sources, including wild boar, for a taste sensation that your pet will love. In addition, nutrient rich vegetables and fruits like chickpeas, peas, blueberries and raspberries provide natural antioxidants for your pet's healthy lifestyle. Your dog craves a taste of the wild!

High Prairie Canine Formula

This grain-free formula is for all life stages. The sweet potatoes and peas provide highly digestible energy for your active dog. Made with real roasted meats, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Supplemented with fruits and vegetables, this hearty formula delivers natural antioxidants to protect your loved ones body from the damage of everyday living, supporting a healthy immune system and overall good health. *Also available in cans, which can be fed as the sole diet.

Pacific Stream Canine Formula

A fish protein, grain-free formula for all life stages. Also contains sweet potatoes, which provides highly digestible energy. Made with real smoked salmon, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Supplemented with fruits and vegetables, this fish and potato formula delivers natural antioxidants. Great for dogs with a sensitive stomach. *Also available in cans, which can be fed as the sole diet.

Sierra Mountain Canine Formula

A lamb protein, grain-free formula with sweet potatoes and peas provides highly digestible energy for your dog. Made with real roasted lamb, this formula offers a taste sensation like no other. Supplemented with fruits and vegetables, this formula delivers natural antioxidants to help give your friend a healthy lifestyle. Your dog craves a taste of the wild!

Rocky Mountain Feline Formula

A grain-free formula with sweet potatoes provides highly digestible energy for your active cat. Made with trout and wood-smoked salmon, this formula offers great taste and quality fish protein. For today's healthy cat, this formula is supplemented with fruits and vegetables, providing natural antioxidants to support a healthy immune system and overall good health. Your cat craves a taste of the wild!

Canyon River Feline Formula

A grain-free formula for all life stages. This Tasty cat formula has roasted venison and smoked salmon. For today's healthy cat, this formula is supplemented with fruits and vegetables, providing natural antioxidants to support a healthy immune system and overall good health.